Sunday, February 03, 2008

It’s Taper Time!

I can’t believe I have made it to taper time for the Black Warrior 50K. I have been working my running mileage higher and higher and higher and this week I turned in an astonishing 73 mile week!

Today’s long run was a easy paced 30 miles. I have done longer runs twice but they were both races that I was tapered for. I have never done a 30 mile training run at the end of a week that already had 43 miles packed into it. I went ahead and ran continuously for as long as I could until my legs were completely depleted. I made it 25 miles and then had to walk 2 miles to eat some and regain my strength and then I was able to start a run walk all the way to the end.

I actually ended up feeling pretty good. I knew that the training strategy I was using would result in a total depletion and I actually expected not to recover once I began walking but I was right back to 10:30 minute miles when I was able to run. I felt like I could have gone further if I had to so at this point I am pretty confident that I could do a 50-miler if I had a good taper behind me and implemented a run – walk strategy from the beginning.

Net weekend I have a little “duathlon” only one 5K run and a 30K bike, which will be a nice change of pace from all the running. I have barely touched my bike in the last couple months but did do a personal duathlon brick yesterday with a 4.5 mile run, 30 mile bike and 4 mile run so I am feeling pretty good.

It is almost time to start training for IMCdA!

Oh, I almost forgot. I have had a new Outlaws nickname bestowed on me, one that certain Bloggy peeps are sure to like.

The name is Flaco! (That's "skinny" for you non-espanyolers)

Oh, never fear, I'm still Clyde legal. On Bigun's advice I started doing some "curls for the girls" and the extra working out and associated food has kept me at right about 202 - 204.


  1. Wow--that's an impressive run week. It must feel good to put in 30 miles, and be able to sustain your pace--sounds like your endurance training is right on track.
    WSMR should be a walk in the park. We'll see you there.
    (ps-can you bring my skinsuit? Thanks)

  2. When I read the word Flaco this is what I thought of

  3. Dang, 30 mile run.. It's hard motivation for me unless I'm doing a 50k race of some sort..

    Great job.. 73 miles, your becoming an ultra machine, it's getting hard to keep up with you..

  4. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Go Flaco! Okay ... that has a certain ring to it!

  5. Haha! Good name! Your weekly mileage is equal to my monthly mileage :)

  6. Those are some serious numbers!

  7. Hey Flaco, I like the line that says you are about ready to start training for IMCDA when you could go out and do an ultra distance this morning. Great running week for you!

  8. GL on your big run coming up....stay healthy big guy!

  9. Nice place to be, Brian. Looking forward to seeing your 50K report.
