Anyway, the wind hit everyone, not just me. The first thing to hit me personally was my stomach shutting down. Happily this happened around mile 10 or 15 on the bike so I didn’t have to wait in suspense. I had A LOT of time to think about this one and my opinion is that the wind was causing me to work harder that it actually felt. I did have my HR monitor on and I did see that my HR was pegged at 177 on the bike, in an Ironman, and I simply noted, “boy, that sure is high” and just kept motoring along because, well, I felt really strong and I was dropping people like flies…and it was just so crowded on the course I could never find a good (read as fast; too fast) spot to slip in behind someone and get the requisite 4 bike-length distance…so I kept going looking for just the right spot.
So once the stomach shut down I was able to keep going strong for maybe the first half of the first of three laps on the bike…then my HR dropped and there wasn’t a thing I could do about it; my power pack was starting to shut down as well. There were a few other things going wrong with my situation, if I drank it made me feel sick, because the wind was so high my mouth was constantly dry so I could not eat or I would start choking, so I would drink to moisten my mouth, open it to eat, wind blows mouth dry, I choke on food, spit it out, repeat the cycle, quit.
Fortunately though I didn’t start loosing my mind until about half way throug

It felt good to sit down in T2 and change into running shoes and socks. I was VERY happy to be allowed to run at this point, REALLY, I was practically ecstatic. I knew there was some soda out on the run course and I figured that the carbonation would jump-start my stomach. It did this to a degree, I think I was able to “run” about a mile and a half before I was reduced to shambling, which I did until some point in the run, it had to have been somewhere, ah hell, I don’t know when it happened but at one point I stumbled off the running path and fell to my knees and viola, I puked my guts out…YEA!
After that I was totally able to run at least 5 feet to, I think my record was 2.5 miles, every so often. I kept reading all the signs ans race uniforms around me to keep my mind “sharp”, interesting premise and it may have even helped a bit but I wasn’t always able to read things or they simply did not make sense. At some point before I started my third lap of the marathon I lost the ability to determine how much time I had left in order to make the 17-hour cut-off…and I had developed huge blisters on the balls of my feel from so much slogging. These events had the effect of 1) making it extremely painful to run and 2) making me feel extremely pressed for time. I began to think that someone would yank me from the course and not even let me try to finish.

Anyhow, when I hit the bridge leading up to the beginning of loop three I had worked myself up to such a degree with the fear of being pulled from the course that I just started running and smiling as big as I could, I ran the length of the bridge, through the crowd in transition and all the way down to the end of the pier where the crowd disappeared. The distance was about a mile and a half, maybe two…who knows. And you know what? I faked em' all out...they let me keep running, Hazah!
During that little run I learned a trick that I will share with you. Just before the bridge a member of the Iron Geezer Triathlon Club, Frank Farrar, caught me and he was at a slightly faster walk that was I. I said, “Do you mind if I hang with you for a little sir?” And he said, “sure but my old body is pretty broken down, you’ll probably go faster.” I just chuckled and said, “We'll see, I hope my body is in as good a shape as

In actuality, I had an hour more than I suspected so I wasn’t in danger but I didn’t know that so…THANKS GUYS AND GALS!
Not much else happened on the run except my race number finally fell off and

You will be please to hear that I had the presence of mind to stop my watch, stager in the direction of the woman with the finishers medals, though the catchers made this difficult because they thought I was going down but I am a Clydesdale after all, they had little choice regarding direction. Then I switched direction and staggered over to the finishers t-shirt table but was unable to pull that one off…they were wise to me and were whisking me off to the medical tent. HOWEVER, there was this black woman with LONG braids that I recognized as someone who ran SOMA as an Athena and I reached out, eyes pleading, and said, “You ran SOMA last year.” Of course as any triathlete who has personally experienced a punishing, multi-hour slog-fest she immediately said, “Yes I did sweetie…Hey; get this man a finisher’s shirt! Extra-large!”
And then I was in the arms of the medical tent, piled high with blankets, IV bag dripping away and as I was fading in and out I could look around the room and make out a tent full of people with stupid grins on their faces and finishers medals around their necks…in short, a room full of IRONMEN.
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ReplyDeleteHey, sweetie, I don't know why you're up writing instead of sleeping. It's wearing me out just hearing about it! Never again; never again will you do one of these without me being there. Oh, and that third wind you got? The wind blew it in; I was sitting on the bed staring fixedly at a PC screen clenching me fists and squeezing me eyes shut, thinking to myself, "If there's anything to all the supernatural nonsense out there, here goes, me trying to send strength and power and love your way."
ReplyDeleteI'm immensely proud of you: your determination and fortitude, as always, now rest, drink, and get home soon so I can take care of you. I love, love, love you, Iron Baboo.
Great job IronMAn.. You can never know what the day will bring with the weather.
ReplyDeleteGreat job pushing thru it. I was looking at your splits during the day and saw that the last half was pretty hard for you..
Congratulations to a job well done.
Rest and heal up.
YOU. ARE. IRONMAN. Congratulations!!!!! We tracked you guys all day yesterday. It looked brutal out there.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations again Ironman.
Congradulations---You are a true Ironman!!! Way to hang in there. Your recap brought chills.
ReplyDeleteYou da man!! Congrats on an awesome Ironman under wicked conditions. Frank Farrar -- I can't imagine that there are any other Frank Farrar's, so I'm guessing that you spent some time with a South Dakota legend! We have so few you know ;-) Way to Go!!!
You are a poster child for strength and endurance!
congrats IRONMAN!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Ironman!
ReplyDeleteI tracked you all day yesterday and was so worried when I had to go to bed without the final word. But you did it! Yay! Your strength and determination are inspiring.
I can't believe you had any energy to stay awake and write a race report. Wow.
Way to go Brian! Toough day, tougher man!
ReplyDeleteGreat job! I'm in awe, not just because you finished under such adverse conditions, but because you were able to write about it, too!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the glory! You've earned it!
Congratulations, Ironman!!!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a truly horrific day! Don't do it like that again, okay??? Once is enough, we are suitably impressed with your determination and perseverance!!
Congratulations! And I second the "why are you writing instead of sleeping" motion.
ReplyDeleteWay to put another IM under your belt.
Alright, Myles - way to go! Figured it was miserable out there when you went 17mph first half of the bike - that makes for a long day! Great job, I'm really proud of you! You are an Ironman!
ReplyDeleteLoved your play by play of your race...your IRONMAN race! Congratulations! Funny how one can't do math after hours on a bike or run, isn't it? So glad you are fine and feeling chipper enough to give us a report! Great job!
ReplyDeleteBrian! Way to go! I was worried about you when I saw the bike splits. Congratulations on another race well done!
PS. Guess you can join our IM club now that you have finished a real IM :)
That was, hands down, the best race report EVER! Congratualtions on your finish!!
ReplyDeleteIt's official, you are an IRON man, not an IRON DISTANCE man.
Right on!
Myles, it was a great pleasure to holler at you on the bike and run, be able to watch you cross the finish line last night. (Heck, I even invested in a cowbell.) I watched from the inflatable arch, and then started to rush down to the chute, but instead I sat down with a recent finisher who was in need of some moral support and some medical expertise.
ReplyDeleteAmazing determination!!!
Super read of an intense day by an insane athlete :-)
ReplyDeleteGreat work.
ReplyDeleteIt was super to meet up with you and to see you on the course.
All the best for your recovery, and then on to training for IMKY!
Congratulations on a tough race.
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw your bike times on IM Live I suspected that you might be fighting the wind.
Glad to hear you beat the wind and the course.
What a great report, and congratulations. Can't wait to hear how you REALLY feel about it all in another couple of days.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your Ironman accomplishment. Love how you fought off the demons and won!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Man...sounds like you were "way out there" for a part of the race, but still managed to finish, that's all that matters.
What a great race report!
ReplyDeleteCongrats for finishing!!!
It sure was good to met you and Andy talked non-stop about your accomplishment at my post race party the weekend after.
ReplyDeleteYou did an amazing thing. good job ironman
A friend of mine at Holloman told me to check out your BLOG in respect to your IMAZ story. I had no idea you had such an "interesting" race. I now understand while everyone was making sure you were going to be able to drive home that day. Congrats to you and everyone for making it through the race. I appreciate the remarks you made about me, it means a lot coming from such a veteran triathlete...I just hope I can make ya'll proud. I will also mention how motivating it was to see the Outlaw sign close to the end of each lap, it took my mind off the numbness of my legs. Congrats again and I can't wait to hear that story again in a few years...I'm sure it will only get better.
A friend of mine at Holloman told me to check out your BLOG in respect to your IMAZ story. I had no idea you had such an "interesting" race. I now understand while everyone was making sure you were going to be able to drive home that day. Congrats to you and everyone for making it through the race. I appreciate the remarks you made about me, it means a lot coming from such a veteran triathlete...I just hope I can make ya'll proud. I will also mention how motivating it was to see the Outlaw sign close to the end of each lap, it took my mind off the numbness of my legs. Congrats again and I can't wait to hear that story again in a few years...I'm sure it will only get better.